Action Driver and OS Catalyst of Choice

Discuss the practical use of Dramatica. Have questions about how throughlines should be used, how to create Complex Characters or even the various combinations of the 12 Essential Questions and how they will affect your story go here.
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Action Driver and OS Catalyst of Choice

Postby BrianNewman » Jul 30, 2016 8:16 am

My story form has a driver of Action and an OS Catalyst of Choice.

How should I interpret this? It seems to me that an OS Catalyst of Choice implies that decisions drive actions.

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Chris Huntley
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Re: Action Driver and OS Catalyst of Choice

Postby Chris Huntley » Aug 08, 2016 8:54 am

The Driver changes the direction of the story, e.g. inciting event, act turns, closing event.

The OS Catalyst moves the story faster toward resolution (or failure to achieve) the OS throughline, but does not change the direction of events like the driver does.

Using a car analogy, the Catalyst is the gas pedal that moves you forward faster (the OS Inhibitor is the brake) and the Driver forces the car to take different routes (a la detours, traffic, accidents, etc.) toward reaching the goal/end.
Chris Huntley
Write Brothers Inc.

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