Change from screenplay to short story

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Chris Huntley
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Re: Change from screenplay to short story

Postby Chris Huntley » Sep 18, 2009 10:02 am

There isn't an easy way to switch templates in Dramatica Pro, but here's how you accomplish it manually. (I assume you created your story with the screenplay template, but it won't make much difference.)

Step 1: Create a new document using the Short Story structure template.
Step 2: Print the Treatment with Structure report found in the StoryGuide reports. This will print out the basic instructions for creating the "Steps" in your short story (the equivalent of scenes in a longer piece).
Step 3: Open the file in which you have already done your work.
Step 4: Go to the StoryGuide, pick any level, go to the Storyweaving section and go to the Scene Label topic.
Step 5: Change the Scene Label to "Step".
Step 6: Go to the "Step List," which should be the next topic.

If you have already added material to your document...

Step 7A: Modify your "Steps" to conform to the printed Short Story report you printed.

OR, if you have NOT added material to your document...

Step 7B: Delete all the "steps" and add the twenty (20) new steps per the short story template. Then go to each step and follow the directions of the printed report to complete each step. You may also choose to assign the relevant story points indicated in the report using the "This scene represents..." menu.

It ain't pretty, but it should do the trick for you
Chris Huntley
Write Brothers Inc.

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