Plot sequence report / theme

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Plot sequence report / theme

Postby zeitenflug » Jan 05, 2013 1:05 pm

Hi there,

I wonder about the difference between the thematic quads and the plot sequence report, theory-wise.

The plot sequence report in my story says: In act one, "visualizing how an existing idea might be implemented" (Developing a Plan) is explored in terms of Senses, Interpretation, Conditioning, and Instinct.

The theme browser, however, states that in my story Developing A Plan (OS Concern, OS Signpost 1, Goal) consists of State of Being, Situation, Circumstances, Sense of Self.

So, when would SP 1 be "whole"? What would I need to satisfy the story argument? And how does the different quads for one signpost fit together logically?


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Re: Plot sequence report / theme

Postby Geoff1975 » Jan 11, 2013 8:32 am

Good question. I hope I interpret your question correctly. I think "Mental Relativity" is what's going on here. Like a throughline's Concern is one Type, yet linearly you go through four signposts, from the standpoint of each Act signpost, you explore these four variations. You stand on one so that becomes fixed. From that fixed standpoint (meaning it's treated spatially), you see relatively these other variations moving by linearly in a time-based perspective.

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Re: Plot sequence report / theme

Postby zeitenflug » Jan 12, 2013 5:08 am

That's an interesting way to think about it, Geoff, though mind-boggling. :)

The thing with Dramatica is, the more you work with it, the more you realize how many options there are. Mostly, I flesh out my stories by using only a part of everything that Dramatica has. I try to understand a bit more about the theory with every story.

I'm not quite sure how to incorporate the thematic quads and the PSR at the same time. I'll just try to make something up:

Developing A Plan explored in terms of Senses, Interpretation, Conditioning, and Instinct.

Mike is planning how to break out of prison. He wants to dig a tunnel, so he decides to hide the soil under his bed, so noone will notice (Senses). He reckons he has to drop some weight, because the tunnel will be rather small (Interpretations), he trains for the escape (Conditioning) and charms the guards so they don't get suspicious (Instinct).

Then the thematic quad: State of Being, Situation, Circumstances, Sense of Self.

Mike is in prison (Situation), he has been framed, but noone cares to listen or to support him (Circumstances). He is very strong, creative and capable (State of Being), and feels that he has to prove who really did it, and to prove his innocence (Sense of Self).

Yeah, could make sense in a story. So the PSR is what you call "flying by" whereas the thematic quad is fixed and, in a way, determines Mike at that moment.

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Re: Plot sequence report / theme

Postby Contagionist » Apr 29, 2013 11:06 am

Conditioning, according to Dramatica is mental conditioning, not physical. How about this? Mike hides his efforts to dig a tunnel (senses), but the guards are suspicious of him (instinct). What Mike can't hide he cleverly comes up with alternate explanations for (interpretations), which he feeds to the guards because they've been trained to spot escape attempts (conditioning).

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