Rock Bottom

Are you looking for a writing partner? Do you want a partner in the same town, or is half way around the world fine too? Do you have a script that you would like critiqued? Give us the pitch and tell us how to get in touch with you.

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Rock Bottom

Postby thebrainstorm215 » Apr 25, 2016 7:28 am

just looking for feedback on my script.....


Brian Storm, a young white rapper growing up in Philadelphia, discovers drugs and alcohol at an early age. Before long, Brian’s love for the party lifestyle turns into a living nightmare that he can’t wake up from. After losing two close friends to overdose, Brian vows to never use drugs again--only to discover that his addiction is stronger than he assumed. Eventually graduating to heroin, he loses everything and turns to drug dealing to support his habit. Homelessness, near-death experiences, and prison cells are no match for the monkey on Brian’s back. Rock Bottom is a real eye opener to the harsh reality of addiction, which also offers hope to struggling addicts.

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