I stopped by to see if there is any movement with a new version of MMSW.
I've already moved on to a different scriptwriting software, but was just curious to see.
Just checking in
Re: Just checking in
I like the name. Did it come from She-Ra? So many questions about Lighthope went unanswered in that series. But then again, we are all writers, maybe we can find our own answers.
Like you, I have moved on. I am using Scrivener and Final Draft 10 these days. At least for now. (How many times has FD updated while MMSW has not?) I did recently write somewhat of a nastygram to FD complaining they had no way to write audio drama, and guess what I got a response from a vice president! (!!!!!)
So if I may ask, what software are you using? So many out there to choose from anymore.
Like you, I have moved on. I am using Scrivener and Final Draft 10 these days. At least for now. (How many times has FD updated while MMSW has not?) I did recently write somewhat of a nastygram to FD complaining they had no way to write audio drama, and guess what I got a response from a vice president! (!!!!!)
So if I may ask, what software are you using? So many out there to choose from anymore.
The Honorable Thomas A. McKean
Partner in Policymaking
Author, Soon Will Come the Light: A View From Inside the Autism Puzzle
Author, Light on the Horizon: A Deeper View from Inside the Autism Puzzle
Partner in Policymaking
Author, Soon Will Come the Light: A View From Inside the Autism Puzzle
Author, Light on the Horizon: A Deeper View from Inside the Autism Puzzle
Re: Just checking in
Thomas wrote:I like the name. Did it come from She-Ra? So many questions about Lighthope went unanswered in that series. But then again, we are all writers, maybe we can find our own answers.
Yes, it came from She-Ra. I wasn't a fan of the character (being just their version of the Sorceress), but I did like the name. In places where I can't use the name Lighthope because someone else took it, I use the name Swiftwind.

Like you, I have moved on. I am using Scrivener and Final Draft 10 these days.
I use Final Draft 10, though I was sorely temped to use Fade In.
I did recently write somewhat of a nastygram to FD complaining they had no way to write audio drama, and guess what I got a response from a vice president! (!!!!!)
Grats on getting such a high-level reply!
I probably made the same complaint to them, but mostly because they don't have the ability to add line numbers. Makes it hard to tell an audio drama actor what line they need to go back and redo.
For audio dramas, I just use the generic screenplay format. Does the job. Not a fan of the audio format anyway.
I'm really disappointed with Movie Magic Screenwriter. For its day, I think it was (slightly) better than Final Draft. But the way they mismanaged it had left MMSW on the rubbish heap. No one in their right mind should be using it now. Outdated, buggy.
Honestly, I'm surprised they are still in business. Who buys 10 year old software?
That's not meant to be a bash. I would LOVE to see an updated MMSW. LOVE TO! It would probably rival if not blow away Final Draft.
Ah, but wishfull thinking.
I am impressed that Final Draft updates their software so often. Just wish they'd add those dialogue line numbers!
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